生活篇 - 溫哥華街坊會提供

Canada - BC - Vancouver DNLM Reco - Life Overseas
  4284 views       2022-01-13 06:56:38

(1) 政府 - Birth, death, legal name change, marriage certificate https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/family-social-supports/seniors/health-safety/health-care-programs-and-services/vital-statistics - My Service Canada Account (MSCA) https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/services/my-account.html - 報稅 (File your income tax) https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency.html - 護照 (renew your passport) https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/canadian-passports.html - Victoria 天氣,選charts 有好多數據 https://victoria.weatherstats.ca/charts/rain-weekly.html

(2) 省政府健保計劃 (申請資格) https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/health/health-drug-coverage/msp/bc-residents/eligibility-and-enrolment/are-you-eligible 你可以打俾HIBC(記得打去簡廣東話服務)問問,同佢講你申請緊work permit, 佢會可能幫你快d 整。咁你就交番佢要d文件俾佢。 我MSP岩岩月頭先到手,都系visiter 整緊work permit, 但我有左 要msp. You can apply online by submitting a copy of your PR receipt showing you paid the fees, a copy of PA’s passport, and putting “Permenant Resident” as the reason for applying. It takes 60 days for it to go into effect. You get a health card with your spouse’s health number since you will be their dependent according to MSP

(3) 義工 - do some volunteering now, rollup your sleeve https://www.ugm.ca/ https://www.foodbanksbc.com/ - 想問lee度有冇類似SPCA組織,想🐒🐒體驗下照顧寵物的義務工作,才領養 你你睇吓呢個你有冇興趣… 我屋企其中一隻少小朋友都係呢度領養㗎!😉 https://chirescue.org maybe volunteering https://spca.bc.ca/ways-to-help/volunteer/

(4) 殮葬 https://www.affordablecremationandburial.ca/cost-of-cremation https://www.affordablecremationandburial.ca/cost-of-cremation

(5) 口罩 - https://www.sycorp.ca/ (Level 1- 3 masks are made in Kelowna. Min order $40, I choose local pick up in Richmond (near New West area) to save shipping charge) - I only buy it from kuoHwa which is "made in Taiwan". it is a physical store in Richmond and https://kuohua.ca/

(6) Others - 本地搬屋: Eric Leung 604-6171808 - 專業影音 AV PRO: ERIC TANG 鄧先生 百家店 1540 舖, 604-303-0841 - 電話: https://lnnte-dncl.gc.ca/en (Register your phone numbers to reduce spam calls) - 垃圾電話: https://crtc.gc.ca/eng/phone/telemarketing/solutions.htm - 環保費用: https://www.thesource.ca/en-ca/envHandlingFee - 垃圾回收 (列治文): https://goo.gl/maps/3y6gatB4TGrcnb197 - 旅行 (camping): https://bcparks.ca/discover/ - 家居網絡裝置篇: https://mewe.com/group/5faee74044f8fa0ea2bb58fb?tag=wifi - 無SIM電話: https://voip.ms/en/features/overview - Canadian Motor Vehicle Arbitration Plan (CAMVAP) when you buy a lemon car https://www.camvap.ca/About-CAMVAP/~english - 睇星睇銀河: Squamish ok ga; Porteau Cove 夜晚都夠黑 - 睇雪: 想睇雪去北/西溫 no1 hwy 以北最大機會。No 1 以南就未必有,個分水嶺好明顯。不過全部斜路上山。 - 物價 (香港 vs 溫哥華): https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/compare_cities.jsp?country1=Hong+Kong&country2=Canada&city1=Hong+Kong&city2=Vancouver

以上資訊由由溫哥華街坊會提供, 睇完之後follow返人哋呀 Discord 街坊交流頻道:https://discord.gg/c9ZbeE2uHk Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/c/VanKaifong Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/vankaifong/ 卑詩生活 Guide 歡迎報料:https://www.facebook.com/groups/vankaifong

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